Myths and Micro-limits Online Poker

Online poker walks around quite a lot of myths. Contribute to their spread as people from distant poker and the players themselves, in the first place is not very good, that come up with different reasons for his bad game. In this article I will try to address the common myths about online poker, as well as myths, specifically relating to the game at the micros. As you can see, this article was placed in the section for beginners, it is primarily intended, and most of the game is to start micro-limits. I also want to warn you that some of the myths may be opposed to each other, do not be surprised, the truth, as is often the case, lies somewhere between the polar views. Well, now go to the myths begin with obschepokernyh.

In poker, it all depends on luck:

This myth is largely similar to the previous, so that somewhere I will repeat. There is a saying: “One day in poker - 90% luck and 10% skill, one year in poker - 10% luck and 90% skill." It is very close to the truth, because the meaning of luck, chance in the game are quite large. But the more you play, the stronger the effect will be felt on skill level. A strong player will gradually increase your bankroll, weak - play it. Accidental delivery of cards in the game the player requires a number of skills: mathematical, psychological, knowledge of poker techniques, etc. Who better to them, he will be in the black at a distance. I deliberately emphasize about distance, it is considered that the evaluation of the player win rate (ie, he plays in the plus or minus) must be at least 10 thousand hands. This is a decent time, but if you take the results of a few sessions, the effect of chance is too great.

In poker wins, who is bluffing with a straight face:

Even if you ignore the online poker, where the face is not visible and can bluff with any expression, the ability to keep “poker face” when bluffing - not the main skill a good player. Bluffing is needed and important enough, but the ability to keep a person when bluffing is unlikely to enter is not something that one of the three, and in the top ten poker arts. Much more important to know math games, able to read opponents, use different techniques. And if we talk about bluffing , then again, it is important not so much to keep a person against whom know how and when to bluff (ie see what's really important to know , in the previous sentence ) . In general, a good player rarely uses bluff more often than 10% of their donations enacted (and at long tables in a serious game - much less), so you know, the value of bluffing in poker considerably overstated.

Online Poker, often bad-bits:

Again assumes that bad bits - part of the “charged" strategy. When the room or help weak players, pulling them out on the river 2 or arranges fights strong combinations, one of which is still a loser. Most likely, this myth is under a quite simple explanation: online player plays more donations than in real life. Even if you play one table, the online game is several times faster, and if multitable, multiply even on the number of tables. In the end, the player is playing online in a few tens of times more donations than offline. At the same time sees more bad beats, coolers and other things. And then have come into effect specificity of our memory, which tends to remember the "rare” things are not analyzing what is their only quantitatively more, but not more as a percentage of the number of games.


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