Lotteries vs. Underground Casinos

It is possible, by the end of the year in Russia will ban all private lotteries, of which a hundred times more than the state. Experience in several countries suggests that it is an effective move in the fight against illegal gambling. Capstone Connections Consulting Company on behalf of the Expert Council under the Russian government has prepared a special conclusion, which says that the experience of Italy, China, Greece, where the shadow of the gaming market struggled through a prohibition of private lotteries, may work in our country.
Early in the year the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has initiated state monopolization of the lottery market. Then the legal department of the president came to the conclusion that this will not only monopolize the market by the public sector, and to monopolize the industry by one company - “Russian lotto.”

As lotteries compete with casinos:

In countries such as the USA, France, Italy, private lotteries not. Conducting state lotteries reserved for special regulator, which controls the entire market.
Lotteries - game of chance, but harmless enough - in the sense that losing the lottery large amount of money possible. Besides lottery promoted as a charity event - at least in Europe and America.
For these reasons, people willingly participate in sweepstakes, thereby quenching their excitement.
In Russia, as you might imagine, all is not so. We issued 4,000 licenses for the establishment of private lotteries and only 40 pieces to open government. About any transparency in the allocation of the proceeds of the question.
Here are the main gosloterei “Sports Lottery ", “Gosloto” and "Victory." First organized by the Ministry of Finance, the second - the Ministry of Sports, the third - “Spetsstroy” direct relation to which has “Russian lotto ", occupies about 40 % of the market.
Reasons why not win lotteries illegal casino:

1. People do not believe in victory:

"Yes, it still does not win” - so we say, is not it? People just do not believe that the lottery is a source of enrichment. It is perceived as a ruse, deception, a way of earning another official.

2. Population cannot see where the money goes:

Profit private lotteries, which should give a tenth part for charity, untraceable. All proceeds from gosloterey come to the budget, everything is clear and understandable. But here's the deal with where they go after that is to look for a black cat in a dark room, which also closed her eyes.

3. Technological backwardness:

In Europe, the U.S., China and other countries lottery is generally carried out on the Internet or through special terminals. In other words, kiosks that sell tickets are long gone.
The creation of such systems is vital to the effective functioning of lotteries, the more public.
“Russian lotto " would be an absolute monopoly
If the private sector will be lucky out of work, all power in the industry to go “Russian lotto." The company owns and so 40 % of the market, and after cutting off a large number of competitors will be the only player.
In fact, the industry is concentrated in the same hands, and there is no controlling authority will not help. Much more transparent in this respect looks Diagram of illegal casinos, which are overcome by using lotteries unlikely to succeed.


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